Monday, October 20, 2008

Figure Drawing & Drama

Figure drawings! These are old. I've been improving much more, I think.

And drama: I am sadly sculpey and wire-less for my maquette project. I had been told earlier the stuff was all on my desk, but when I'd gotten to school on Sunday, nothing was there at all. Only the base. This means I'll probably have to finish mine in one week. Thank God I settled on a simple design!

I'll post some more stuff soon. I'd like to keep this thing updated. My character walks will be up next!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Blegh--and Updates!

I really need to update more.

I got sick yesterday. Well, it was actually food poisoning, but I had a cold on top of it. I left school on Wednesday knowing something was horribly wrong with me. Then I realized what the cause was but I'm not going to divulge here. I'll just call the health inspectors about it and see what they can do. Gotta find their number.

I'm sad that I missed school, but I was so ill it had to be done. I hope I can catch up this weekend, though I am busy ALL DAY Saturday. I hope Delaney postponed building our characters, otherwise I might cry.

I've uploaded some Capcom fanart to my deviantart, as well as this character sheet for my protagonist for my comic Lapis:

Ain't she cute? Just like a little female Napolean! She's only like 5 heads tall (like tinkerbell)! Short blondes are fun to draw, especially when they're angry and tuff. Rrr.

P.S. The hood she's wearing has built-in sand goggles to brave the TOUGHEST of sandstorms. Some days it pays to look creepy.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Stitch Assignment

We were supposed to do keys of stitch jumping several times before falling and rolling. I did pretty well on this but there's still room for improvement.